Earl of Dimensional Toonery
When we asked him how he liked working with us he responded that most of the guys were cool and then added that he doesn't trust the short ones because their brains are too close to their butts. Trust issues aside, we're excited to add his hipster's panache to our concoctions. In the little time he has been at NeoPangea, he's animated 2D characters for a PBS show, lead the miniature stop motion Titanic shoot, worked on various motion graphics projects including a pretty high profile and confidential piece for Comcast, flipped some animations for Lysol, sailed a 3D submersible for National Geographic Channel, and improved our average office height tremendously.
Looking into Zach's past reveals the origins of a generation Y bohemian. Born to a humble family of New Jersey veterinarians, Zach spent his formative years like most kids his age: glued to the idiot-box while absorbing Batman and Pokemon cartoons. With every Bat signal raised and Pikachu battle won his future as an animator was further cemented.
After a youth squandered on gold chains, spray-on tans and hordes of muff cabbage, Zach broke free from the garden state and acquired a formal education in creativity and imagination. While attending the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Zach cut his teeth in production. His film "3 Minus 1 to Tango" was awarded "Best in Show" during a University of the Arts' thesis animation show. By graduation Zach had garnered some expertise, a diploma and a BFA in Film and Animation.
Looking ahead, Zach determined that there wasn't a future in drawing caricature portraits on the Atlantic city boardwalk. So he gathered up his toolkit and bravely moved to NYC to take a shot at the big leagues of animation. While there, he worked for Little Airplane Productions animating on numerous television programs for Disney Jr., The BBC, and Nickelodeon. Even though Zach enjoyed successes as a lead animator, after two years he decided to say goodbye to NYC and hello to big city West Reading, PA.
Zach continues corrupting the youth by teaching at the Delaware College of Art and Design. He relays to eager young minds concepts like dimensional design for time and motion which he insists will help those kids become better Americans. Even though Zach is sought after as a teacher, his primary motivation is to work in design and production. He enjoys seeing his ideas come to life, especially stop motion concepts and gains immediate satisfaction when playing back an animation test. As a professional Zach wants to produce the best animation work possible and we're happy to support his quest.
Zach's recent mind-meld with the inventive forces at NeoPangea makes for a creative dynamo that the world hasn't seen since Hanna and Barbera or Cagney and Lacey. Not only will Zach help the team to make cool stuff for clients, he also completes the roster for our company basketball team and can reach the stuff on the high shelves for us. In short, we're happy to have this Zach-of-all-trades as part of our team.