Star Trek  Discovery

Format: Digital Advertising Campaign c.2018
Fig 673a. CBS
Star Trek Discovery

Discover the new crew of humans and aliens onboard the USS Discovery in the digital campaign leading up to the first season of Star Trek on CBS All  Access.

Star Trek Discovery challenged viewers to go where no one had gone before: CBS' brand new All Access streaming service. To bring in old and as-of-yet untapped Star Trek fans alike we crafted pieces of a digital campaign that teased imagery of the officers of the USS Discovery while inviting viewers to try one month of the streaming service for free. Meticulously puppeted photography of the characters felt alive as they animated alongside the iconic Star Trek logo.

Deployed across a wide variety of online locations, this campaign enabled us to test the limits of what’s possible with character animation and simulated lighting effects within the lightweight confines of conservatively weighted banner ads. The sci-fi world of Discovery gave us a great futuristic aesthetic to explore, and perhaps the most important thing is that we finally got the chance to realize the dream of helping to promote something for Star Trek.

Project Services

  • Animation
  • Design
  • Development

To Boldly Go...

These are the voyages of the Starship, Discovery.