South by Southwest (SXSW) is an annual hootenanny for artists, techies, and generally cool people of every stripe, and this year NeoPangea had the perfect reason to make the trek. Our Intern Abuser event was selected as a…
Over the years there is one question that comes-up constantly from clients and fans of our work. That question being: “What does NeoPangea mean anyway?”. We’ve preferred to keep the meaning of the name allegorical, until…
The campaign started with a simple notion behind the idea, 'Because We Live Here Too', and has flourished into something that has really resonated with the Virginia community.
The agency cast a local Philly favorite in…
Over the past decade, I have worked in several editing programs including: Avid, Final Cut Pro, Vegas Video, I even spent a few years as a Smoke/Flame operator. They all have their place but that place is not here, at NeoPangea.…
The multimedia artisans at NeoPangea are dauntless in their exploration of internet technology. However, they felt a bit timid at the idea of hiking through the jungle in search of legendary animals that may eat them for…
The spots featured a variety of diverse members who's shadows come to life to convey their hopes, dreams and aspirations. "These spots were very untypical of a financial institution," states director Aaron Beaucher, "With…
I started working as a new Project Manager here at NeoPangea (a Digital Creative Boutique) a few months ago. The prime directive posed to me by my fearless leader was; “I don’t want things to stay the same. The company requires…
NeoPangea has grabbed some old wood and put it to work.
In this day and age it seems that no one recycles enough. Furniture gets old and beat-up and most folks just throw it away. So when our office had a desk that needed…
So you just finished your awesome design for your Flash project using Photoshop. You have tons of layers (named I hope) which are a beautiful array of layer groups, adjustment layers, and oh yes, blend modes. Blend modes…
Turns out that everyone's Holiday spirit is a creepy guy in an elf costume… We mailed a handful of lucky people a special T-shirt and an instructions card. They were instructed to put on the shirt, turn on their webcam, and…
Phil ends up having to wear an elf suit for the entire month of December! Revel in Phil's pain and suffering on NeoPangea's Facebook page. We'd ask you to send him a note of encouragement, but we are pretty sure he likes…
Convivial: adj.
1. Fond of feasting, drinking, and good company; sociable.
2. Merry; festive
Our annual end of the year dinner at Stokesay Castle was quite a celebration. The atmosphere at the newly renovated castle…
Phil's media career launched at the sweet age of seventeen when he was bitten by a radioactive AV Club nerd. After recovering from a horrific case of acne and endless cravings for Skittles and Star Trek, he cut his teeth…
The brand-shampoo-and-waxing included a new logo package and website experience with a twist of Yin and a splash of Yang.
The refreshed brand pays homage to the salons unique character. "It is a very modern top of the…
Sign in and create your migration-leader — command a herd of Zebras or Wildebeests on their arduous journey across the Serengeti. You are in control — keep moving and leave hungry predators in your dust — or — risk attack…
This is an Employee-Only weekend trip, 10/22 - 10/25. It may likely be international so plan accordingly. Start opening your schedule now as the trip cannot be refunded. We will not disclose the location until we are boarding…